Many Radlab projects have been accomplished in association with Creighton University faculty. As the Radlab moves forward, more of our projects will include those types of collaborations. When a request is made, the Radlab first consults with that faculty member to determine whether or not the project is a good match for the tools and skills available within the Radlab. In addition, the potential benefit to Creighton University and students is considered. The Radlab is an innovation space, and as such, we will often try things with which we have had no previous experience. This involves considerable research and trial and error but can lead to new discoveries.
If you are interested in exploring a collaboration with the Radlab, please contact us at 402-280-3646 or through the form available on the contact page. We look forward to working with you!
Teaching Resources
Converting a course to be online or even to a hybrid version can be challenging. Fortunately, Creighton has a number of tools that can help. Be sure to visit the Teaching and Learning Center for assistance and faculty development. The Radlab assisted with creating a public (no need to sign in) Teaching Resources course in BlueLine. It is available at: https://blueline.instructure.com/courses/1163855. Included in those resources are links to faculty and student guides. In addition, the following modules are available:
BlueLine Resources
BlueCast (Panopto) Resources​
Other Resources​