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Kathy Craig

The Radlab - Virtual Technology Fair

The Division of Information Technology hosted the Virtual Technology Fair 2021 on St. Pat's Day this year. The Radlab participated with three presentations through Zoom.

Virtual Worlds

Chad Brocker presented on virtual worlds and how they might be used in education. The Radlab is currently designing and developing in the 3D virtual social platform, Sansar. This new medium has an increasing number of opportunities for online education.

Adobe Captivate: An eLearning Pot of Gold

As virtual learning is becoming more and more important, faculty are searching for engaging and creative ways to teach remotely or augment onsite courses. This may be done using the Adobe tool, Captivate. Sarah Eulie, a Radlab intern, presented on how to use Adobe Captivate for interactive student experiences.

Phone Photography

It is often said that the best camera is the one that is with you. Many of us carry around our smart phones everywhere. These phones often have amazing cameras. That makes it easy for us to take photos anywhere. In this presentation, Kathy Craig covered the following: tips on phone photography, a look at existing free or inexpensive phone/tablet apps for editing photos; using your phone to convert physical photos to electronic format; and other ways to use your phone including for microscopy.

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